He was born on January 24, 1987, in Mesa, Arizona, in the United States. From $23.00 to $33.00. A lot of it is about me and my life and just my weird takes on things. Please select another time or call 877-234-6358. I didnt think Id ever do it again. Id feel icky if I did that. He just carries himself in such a way, this I dont give a fuck attitude. The vibe is so different from an actual comedy show., THE CAYTON: Kids review the new childrens museum in Santa Monica . I think thats why Im stuck with it. I've seen him do spoken word. Because I can feel how you react to me.. Moreso, in August 2021, through an episode of its managed podcast, he disclosed that he reconnected with his father Kevin McDonald in 2016 after never being around each other. Sizing: All sizes are unisex sizing. Following his performance, Shapel felt he was real onstage for the first time. After the show, a laughing Nicholas says he couldnt bring himself to make eye contact with Dale. Our focus is making comedy more accessible, more affordable and more exciting. BIO: Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. No matter what you're looking to spend, Vivid Seats has tickets to fit your budget. What is this? It was rock and I just kept getting into it. I love to think and my teachers noticed that so they always made me think. Thats when I was trying to figure out me as a person again or just me in general. Even being a comedian, its a community but, What am I without this community? Thats what I think about all the time. Moreover, his mother was into music and loved old-school classic R&B. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. Shapel Lacey (@shapellacey) Instagram photos and videos shapellacey Verified Follow 309 posts 143K followers 2,472 following Shapel Lacey Love Is Tight. Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. With that, you just start to find out what really matters to you, important things in your life at that moment or [things] you could take with you to help you through such a tragic situation. In comparison to the security guard, I was this little sixteen year old. Therefore, he worked in Arizona for a while before moving to California where he did open mics. Its an essence that can be seen in life and other art forms, manifesting itself in different ways through the message or content of a piece, or in the attitude and approach of an artist. Subverting expectations both as a person and a comedian Lacey refuses to fit the mold of what others anticipate. Shed be cleaning up over the weekend and playing music and it was cool to see her happy in that way.So I just got into music at an early age. He started his career as a comedian following a dare from his friends at the University of Louisville. Find and buy Shapel Lacey tickets at the Punch Line Philly in Philadelphia, PA for Apr 07, 2023 at Live Nation. Before that, I was saying the stupidest shit. Shapel: It was the Rollins era, when Rollins first joined. Don't miss this and don't forget to rate and subscribe! Therefore, Shapel has been able to accumulate a decent fortune over the years. Those in the front row are maybe 3 feet from him; those in the back row arent much farther. I was pretty starstruck over that. www.donttellcomedy.com#ShapelLacey#LiveComedy#StandUp------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for more stand-up clips!https://www.instagram.com/donttellcomedyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@donttellcomedyhttps://www.facebook.com/donttellcomedy------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shapel Lacey is a hilarious Los Angeles based comedian that headlines clubs all over the US.Follow Shapel on Instagram to find out where hes performing next:https://www.instagram.com/shapellaceyYou can also check out his podcast and his tour dates at https://www.shapellacey.com/------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits:Written and Performed by Shapel LaceyExecutive Producers: Kyle Kazanjian-Amory and Brett KushnerDirected By: Gordie Earle III and Brad SilnutzerDirector of Photography: Mark I. DavisGaffer and Cam Operator: Nathan Andres-HughesCam Operators:Gordie Earle IIIMark I. DavisKyle Kazanjian-AmoryEditor: Gordie Earle IIIColor Correction: Mark DavisSound Recording: Michael CrumleySound Mix: Ryan MeadowsProducers: Brad Silnutzer and Cole GarrettProduction Coordinator: Megan HunterLive Event Producers: Jeff Kane, Isaac Chapin, and Rachel BershadSpecial Thanks: Our gracious hosts, Thymele Arts CenterCode: R4VAMR8GBH4XC3FI Then you can go anywhere from there. This Land Is My Land, This Land Is Your Land. I took that as, Oh, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Its my land too, so why couldnt I listen to rock? A diehard punk rocker and former award winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. On this particular night, the wait list has 30 people. If you pay attention, its very punk who he is. He is an American comedian, podcaster, actor, and entrepreneur working as the host of Its happening and Shapels World podcasts. 100 million sold,100% Buyer Guarantee. Following his start in comedy, he ceased doing stand-up for two years since he was depressed. Posted by. Why is including music in your work as a comedian important to you?Shapel: I just love music. And then the Maine came along, and it was 2008 when I met them. We got an error. Theres a long list, thats just to throw some out there. I liked the episodes before him and guest appearance episodes but just feel the shows been better in episodes with him in the culture corner. Someone dared me to try out stand-up comedy, and I went for it. Whenever Kazanjian-Amory calls, hes in. His authentic, unique view of the world lends itself to both hilarious and heartfelt messages that comedy nerds and casual listeners alike need to hear. This year, they are on track to do 1,000. You will be unsubscribed from our SMS text messaging service immediately. Dont try to make it; just be. Unfortunately, no seats are available. One attended college on a cheerleading scholarship. He was just too close. I hope that Shapel can post some of his videos from the night cause after those rowdy people got kicked out, he had a little skit that had me LAUGHING hard! Furthermore, he has unique life experiences such as being adopted into a Caucasian family at the age of 15 years old. Shapel Lacey : r/KingandtheSting. In the podcast, he discusses how his week was while explaining how his anger did not get the best of him. Thats the thing about ityou can do it anyway you want to as long as youre being authentic to yourself. It just made sense.By then I was a geek for music, and I wanted to play an instrument. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. If anyone else grabs it feel free to get ahold of me. I told him that I had a teacher who would use his videos to help me with my anger. He is a well-renowned stand-up comedian who has withheld his personal life, especially his marital status from the public domain. Text messaging is not available in all areas of the United States.By signing up, you acknowledge you are at least 21 years old. Shapel Lacey is an American comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Everyone defines punk in their own way. They were great. Shapel Quit. You hit a ceiling, you get bored, and you have to make a decision. That first year, they put on 35 shows. I was only five or six at the time. Now Crass might not know who Green Day is, [laughs] Green Day might do it a different way, but theres something about Crass that made them want to do their own thing. Shapel was cheerleading competitively for University of Louisville when someone dared him to take the stage as a . It was so much fun. .icon-directions:before{background-image:url()} [Laughs.] They want you to say something different. Every day it was, Rise above, rise above! It just put me on another level of thinking. Shapel Lacey, an L.A. by way of Arizona stand-up comedian, is a true-to-form alternative fan. That was the sound that I heard at home. For a comedian, the crowd is the instrument. [laughs]Alxis: To the same point as the books, do you have any movies you recommend as your quintessential punk must-sees?Shapel: Tombstone, specifically Val Kilmers character Doc Holiday. Next. The thing about those books thats like punk to me is they really cut out all the bullshit. His unique life experiences such as being adopted by a Caucasian family at age 15, his punk rock mentality, and his stage presence make for a truly original voice in the comedy community. Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan actor, dies after brain aneurysm, Daisy Jones & the Six becomes the first fictional band to hit No. It was all me. Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. I dont need to have what you have. Shapel Lacey. Garretts girlfriend at the time, I cheered with her. Just embrace it. And ever since then, its been that. Part of the goal is introducing comedy lovers to the stars of tomorrow. Then when quarantine was just rolling and everything was shut down, we got bored and decided to do some covers, film it, and throw it out there (video by 4933 Productions). I just bring people into my world. Roasting audience members, a common tactic of comics transitioning from bit to bit, is indeed more challenging when the guy you just insulted can stand up and punch you in the face. I can just be. Thats why its one of my favorites.Alxis: Do you have any particular memories from going to punk shows that stick out? Tijuana Tales | KATS After Dark #16. So to me, I think of it differently than most people would. Brent and Jason are great guys. They never gave me an answer, just gave information. So if anyone gets offended by that, thats their fault. He received a high school diploma from a school in Mesa, Arizona. I was like, Yo man, I just got done doing my first stand-up set. I went up that night and was like, Fuck yeah!Alxis: Was the set different subject matter? Ive been able to create a merch line that was really cool. So that was probably the most starstruck I've been over meeting a comedian. He was holding me down and all the sudden I hear, Get the fuck off him. Security let me go, this hand pulls me up, and its Keith Morris. Tickets you can trust: 100 million sold,100% Buyer Guarantee. 33 E. Laurel Street. SKYROCKETING RENTS: Dance studios are the latest pushed out of L.A. . Sign up for the Addison Improv newsletter to receive show announcements, presale codes and special offers! Call Event (480) 921-9877 Event Website Event Summary Shapel Lacey is an American comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. I grew up with an abusive stepfather. Chris DElia Comedian, Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Salary, and Net Worth, Blake de Pastino Complexly, Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Family, Wife, YouTube, Salary, and Net Worth, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, List of States in the US, Alphabetical list of States in the U.S., and Abbreviation of States in United States. He was like, They used my videos? Buy tickets online and you dont find out where youre going until noon the day of the show. This real shit. Hes hilarious, hes shocking you, but he has a message. Sometimes a bit too much. Shop with confidence thanks to the Vivid Seats 100% Buyer Guarantee. He's always trying to learn. I also did a festival (2019 Sonic Temple Music Festival) where I was on the lineup with Henry Rollins. With that, you just start to find out what really matters to you, important things in your life at that moment or [things] you could take with you to help you through such a tragic situation. With 2021 revealing the light at the end of the tunnel for entertainers, Lacey has many plans in store. Please enter an email address and full name. He is a native of Meza, AZ, in the USA. When he passed, I didnt want to make people laugh. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. [laughs] Shapel: Yeah! That was like their first big tour. Dont Tell is also big on giving back to the audience. I put all that out the door and say, Ill understand it for myself. Theres always new stuff to see and learn. To learn more, please visit gamesensema.com. Our tickets are 100% verified, delivered fast, and all purchases are secure. One popular current comic grew up as one of the few black teens in a poor white neighborhood in Arizona. This is almost too intimate to roast people, Redd says, feigning disappointment. Some people see punk as this crazy thing, but to me theres more to it. How to Buy Tickets to see Shapel Lacey. Please call before attending any community events to make sure they aren't postponed or canceled as a result of the coronavirus. When I met Henry Rollins. I knew some people who lived there and it was close to L.A. Then in April of 2013 my brother passed away and I just didnt want to be here anymore so I moved back home. Shapel was cheerleading competitively for University of Louisville when someone dared him to take the stage as a . By providing your information above, you hereby authorize Improv Comedy Clubs to send you advertisements, promotions and alerts via email. Some performances by Shapel Lacey are available at other venues. So you just see this skinny dude, with just those bars right there [points] on his arm.Alxis: In shorts. Beyond designing T-shirts, hats and more, the comedian had the chance to have jam sessions with friends, tuning into his punk-rock roots and tuning out the stresses of the world. Often, floor seats/front row seats can be some of the most expensive tickets at a show. They see that, and they go, Man, I see what youre doing. You also acknowledge that your agreement to receive these messages isnt required as a condition to purchase goods or services.Terms of Use at http://www.mgmresorts.com/termsofuse.htm. Please enter an email address and full name. Shapel Lacey is an actor and writer, known for The Mangina Dialogues (Podcast) (2019), Marquette Jefferson: Poker Face (2019) and The Fighter and the. The man, Chris Nicholas, inches closer to his girlfriend, blushing. , I just kept going. It was just a dare, to be honest. Why not? So he started showing me music he loved: Less Than Jake, Pennywise, Mad Caddies, Reel Big Fish, the list goes on. It makes you want to learn. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. However, he dropped out of college to pursue a career in comedy after his friends dared him to do it. Seats are coveted, so wait lists are common. That was one where I didn't know how to talk. Impact June 1, 2020. Shapel: Yeah it was Circles Jerks and G.B.H. I didnt think Id ever do it again. Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Laceys personal and honest approach to comedy disarms audiences, inciting laughter while simultaneously planting the seed for us to think more deeply about how we define ourselves and the assumptions we make about each other. My junior high offered guitar classes. DC all the way. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. My stepfather was physically and verbally abusive, so there was a lot of sadness and people on edge in our household. And I was just fascinated by these dudes because it was awesome to see someone in Arizona [and] being that close to them and seeing them really doing something. Thats how I think of it. Chris Redd, a cast member on Saturday Night Live, does a set during Dont Tell Comedy, a secret comedy show at Tree4ort recording studio in Hollywood. I was there, too. This is a BYOB show, and the beer-to-coffee ratio is about 50-50. Shapel Lacey interview by Alxis Ratkevich. If I could control myself, then thats the biggest thing. And then he's like, "Are you going up tonight?" A lot of it is about me and my life and just my weird takes on things. Circle Jerks were playing and closing with Nervous Breakdown. Keith Morris said, Come up and sing it if you want. Fuck, yeah, I wanted to sing that, so I hopped over a barricade and got tackled by security. Shapel Lacey performs during Don't Tell Comedy at Tree4ort recording studio in Hollywood. I said, Ah, fuck it. I was like, Damn, I want to be that. What I took from punk was that we all come together and like this music and have a fun time, but at the end of the day you are your own person. It was the most authentic Ive ever felt on stage. Also consider non-weekend shows, as well as post-holiday performances. It was called Boston Takeover and it consisted of eight shows at eight locations over four days. This guy is funny. When I saw Brent he said, Youre going up tonight. I dont know; there was just something about the way he said it. He is 35 years old. Additionally, he was also in a punk rock band where the drummer was the sister to his crush. There was just something about it that was really fun. It's because he's just curious. Shapel Lacey is HILARIOUS. As long as Im doing and working hard at it, that other shit will come. Kazanjian-Amory founded Dont Tell 2 years ago. I was at the radio all the time. Obviously, youre depressed, youre sad and youre trying to figure out how to deal with this new event in your life and how to continue to live. And so I stopped for basically two years, [and I] got back onstage in 2016. Onstage and behind podcast mics, he never shies away from sharing his love of Oasis, Rancid and beyond, knowing full well that acts such as these inform his whole life and art form. And he was like, "What's up, man?" By providing your information above, you hereby authorize Addison Improv to send you advertisements, promotions and alerts via email. Shapel Lacey Family He is a native of Meza, AZ, in the USA. Shapel was raised along with his big brother Damen who passed on in August 2013. Therefore, the public is left to speculate whether he is single, married, or engaged. Shapel Lacey's Bio BIO: Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Moreover, his comedy style is based on his life and his world where he tries to bring people into it. You must have a two-way text-enabled phone with compatible carrier and plan. People were asking me around town to do shows but I just said no to everybody.Then in 2016 Brent Morin and Jason Collings (The Lions Den podcast) were coming to the local comedy club back home in Tempe, Ariz. I think I just found ways to keep my sanity other than thinking about the thing thats going on because, like I said, thats not in my control. By joining this subscription program you authorize Hipcricket to send you future automated marketing text messages on behalf of MGM Grand Las Vegas at the mobile number you have provided. Over the years, Ive been able to get to this point where Ive been able to forgive that whole situation, forgive him and forgive him with love. It was like the music was screaming it for me. I just needed to find it.Alxis: At that time was there a particular punk song that was an anthem for you?Shapel: Yeah. Can you tell me more about that project and what brought it about?Shapel: We have always talked about punk together. Shapel Lacey, an L.A. by way of Arizona stand-up comedian, is a true-to-form alternative fan. impact Chelsea Dunstall April 22, 2020. Shapel Lacey shows may vary slightly in length but will generally run for 90 minutes to two hours. ' CUSTOMER SUPPORT: support@justmer.ch Just Merch 2323 E. Magnolia, Suite 118 Phoenix, AZ 85034 Youre a Black guy, but I dont feel like I have anything to prove. By providing your information above, you hereby authorize Improv Comedy Clubs to send you advertisements, promotions and alerts via email. I've been following this guy for years and just always appreciate everything he's ever done. Whats important is what it means to you more so than what it means to anyone else. Obviously, youre depressed, youre sad and youre trying to figure out how to deal with this new event in your life and how to continue to live. I dont even pay attention to that stuff at this point. Shapel was cheerleading competitively for University of Louisville when someone dared him . It was the first time I was real with myself and real with the audience. So that when the lights go down and the Shapel Lacey show starts, the only thing on your mind will be the amazing memories you're about to make. Currently, the hottest Shapel Lacey tickets cost $145, which could represent floor or VIP seats. Learn More. He pulled me on stage and Im singing over his shoulder and then he handed me the mic and I finished the song.Alxis: Ahhhh! The DIY nature of Dont Tell is part of its charm. Shapel-Lacey 126 points 127 points 128 points 11 days ago . And then 2016 is when boom, I just kept going. People ask, Why do you love this movie? I say listen to the message. Its called, You can take those situations [and] you can let them stem into this hectic thing the whole time, or you can take it and you can make it into something great. Lacey is a regular. It'd be fun to build some dumb "Whack-A-Schaub" game or something. Alxis: Do you feel like you carry your philosophy about punk into your comedy?Shapel: Oh, yeah. A lot of its about me. His comedy routines burst into the spotlight in 2019, with promises of 2020 being a breakout year for the already well-loved comic. Shapel was selected to be a New Face at the 2019 Just For Laughs Comedy Festival. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. Everyone defines punk in their own way. If I like something its because I like it and if people fall in with it, then they fall in with it, but if not, [shrugs] oh-well. . Dont Tell hosted its first festival in June in Boston. [laughs] There are times people will say, Youre so white, and they literally know nothing about me. So was that set the turning point for you? Ever since I was a kid and saw that Rollins video I felt it but I never fronted before, so to finally put it out there was like, Fuck yeah! We all have such hectic schedules but it would be great to find a way to continue it.Alxis: You talk about books and reading frequently. 273: Shapel Lacey (pt.2) on The Steebee Weebee Show. Im dropping out of college. [laughs] I already was, but its fun to say it that way. Subscribe to Dont Tell Comedy to find your next favorite comedian:http://bit.ly/dtcyoutubeThe Speakeasy Series is Don't Tell Comedy's 5th independent YouTube series that features short sets from the best of the next generation of stand up comedians.Dont Tell Comedy produces weekly shows in 70+ cities across the US in unique locations for a one-of-a-kind comedy experience! Is touring a big part of what you do as a comedian?Shapel: I love the tour life. My manager will ask, What are your goals this year? and my response is To be happy. [laughs] I simplified it to two things: be a good person and be good at what I do. Buy Shapel Lacey Concert Tickets & View the Tour Schedule at Box Office Ticket Sales! Its great.Alxis: Are there any cities or clubs you performed at that stick out to you as punk?Shapel: DC Improv and DC Comedy Loft are some of the dopest places to perform at. Diligence and the desire to grow led Shapel from the Phoenix open mic circuit onto main stages, where he regularly performed for comedians such as Bill Burr, Hannibal Buress, and Brendan Schaub, and is now headlining clubs across the country. Getting back onstage in 2016, that was the first time I ever felt just so authentic onstage. I was like, "Yeah." Shapel was born in Mesa, Arizona, in the United States on January 24, 1987. People who were at that show will still message me about it.Alxis: What comedians, if any, do you consider punk and why?Shapel: Richard Pryor, Patrice ONeal, Bill Burr, Daniel Tosh, Robert Kelly, Chris Rock, Colin Quinnhonestly, a lot of New York cats. A diehard punk rocker and former award-winning competitive cheerleader, Shapel found ways to express himself and own his individuality at an early age. Jessica Gelt is an arts and culture writer for the Los Angeles Times. Subscribe to receive updates on upcoming shows at the Ontario Improv. Get Directions So you just see this skinny dude, with just those bars right there [points] on his arm. 1 in the ticketing category on Newsweek's list of Best Customer Service in both 2020 and 2021. Shapel Lacey (Stand up at The Laugh Factory in Hollywood) Community May 31, 2020. The location is kept a secret until the day of the show and the performers are a secret until they hit the stage!Check out our website for upcoming live shows in your city! Shapel Lacey floor seats (or orchestra seats) can provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I was like, Did this festival do that on purpose? [laughs]Alxis: Did you tell him you were a fan or discuss music?Shapel: I went through anger management, like quite a few times. Shapel Lacey, an L.A. by way of Arizona stand-up comedian, is a true-to-form alternative fan. I dont like it, [laughs] and so I walked away. Hes not looking for your approval and hes a badass but hes not loud about it. Springfield, MA 01103. Currently, the hottest Shapel Lacey tickets cost $55, which could represent floor or VIP seats. 107k Followers, 631 Following, 675 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Chin (@chinsuyi) He is the host of Chapels World podcast available for listening on platforms such as Apple Podcast. BIO: Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Onstage and behind podcast mics, he never shies away from sharing his love of Oasis, Rancid and. Subscribe to receive updates on upcoming shows at the Irvine Improv. Terms of Use Thats how I like to think. I dont want to do any of that. Diligence and the desire to grow led Shapel from the Phoenix open mic circuit onto main stages, where he regularly performed for comedians such as Bill Burr, Hannibal Buress, and Brendan Schaub, and is now headlining clubs across the country. He's always staying curious. Then you walk out into the world and its so different. Youre not relying on anybodyyoure just going for the damn thing. I studied standup for about two months, got on stage, and was like, Yeah. I've been able to perform with him. His unique life experiences such as being adopted by a Caucasian family at age 15, his punk rock mentality, and his stage presence make for a truly original voice in the comedy community. Ali Wong has worked with the group, as have Tom Segura, Iliza Shlesinger, Ian Edwards, David Koechner, Theo Von and Nikki Glaser. Sign up for the Brea Improv newsletter to receive show announcements, presale codes and special offers! Thats when I knew punk was this real thing. Shapel was cheerleading competitively for University of Louisville when someone dared him to take the stage as a comedian and he never looked back, dropping out shortly thereafter to pursue a career in stand up full-time. BIO: Shapel Lacey is a Los Angeles based comedian born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Thats why I say punk is my blood because I think that was always in me. Its not like I got a hot take on something in the news or anything like that. In some ways, the momentum stopped, but in other ways, his creativity flourished. Some performances by Shapel Lacey are available at other venues. There were times I tried but I just felt like, Ah, fuck. Then I switched the station and I heard the song Mississippi Queen by Mountain and I thought, Oh shit! Diligence and the desire to grow led Shapel from the Phoenix open mic circuit onto main stages, where he regularly performed for comedians such as Bill Burr, Hannibal Buress, and Brendan Schaub, and is now headlining clubs across the country. It was about having control.Alxis: You come off really friendly, like the nicest guy, so its interesting to hear you talk about anger management.Shapel: I worked really hard at it. Shapel Lacey More Info. Id been doing it back home in Arizona for quite some time. And Vivid Seats will help get you there. Thats when I was trying to figure out me as a person again or just me in general. She knew I liked music. Shapel was cheerleading competitively for University of Louisville when someone dared him . The inspiration just constantly rolls. I don't know why, but I connected to this dude. Everyone thinks it stems from being in a relationship because Im in my first relationship ever. For many of us, punk goes beyond music to encompass a state of mind. Subscribe to Don't Tell Comedy to find your next favorite comedian:http://bit.ly/dtcyoutubeThe Speakeasy Series is Don't Tell Comedy's 5th independent YouTub. I think I was 13 or 14 years old when I saw this Black Flag video that a buddy of mine showed me, and that took me to another level. I think its a perfect analogy. What can they say to that? That was easy. What am I without this or what do I have without that? I have my individuality, thats what, which is more important to me than anything.
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