Dismantled by shipbreakers in 1933, as she was a danger to navigation. Frequently Asked Questions About Passenger Lists. The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account. The Barber is authorized to make the following charges :, His hours aro 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, but for the general convenience of the greater number, passongers aro requested not to apply for hair-cutting or shampooing except between the hours of noon and 5:30 pm. You must log in or register to reply here. Picture Postcards of the steamer can be obtained on board gratis. Tonnage: 20,904. Hambelton, R.N.R.VG+ condition(minor cover corner wear).18 pages (including inside covers) of 1st Class Passenger listings ,the White Star Line, Mediterranean Services,All Twin-Screw Steamers New York-Cherbourg-Southampton Service,2 pages for the announcement of the Sixth Grand Winter Cruise of the S.S. ARABIC,Mention opposite title page of the Building of the Largest Steamers in the World - OLYMPIC and TITANIC,Attachment Special Notice warning about Professional Gamblers traveling aboard upon Ocean Liners and more.Outstanding Steamship history.I DO NOT sell reproductions or fakes. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the steward or stewardess. BOOTS AND SHOES. On ellisisland.org, search for "Inga Andersen" arriving in 1902. Steamer S.s. "celtic" White Star Line, S.S. "Celtic" White Star Line Breakfast Menu + PAMPHLET/LIST* Jan. 14, 1, 1923 White Star Line 1st Class Passenger Rates, 1908 White Star Line Celtic Passenger List Mentions Titanic Olympic bui, 1890 White Star Line S.S. Germanic Passenger List, 1910 Atlantic Transport Line First Class Passenger List-S.S. Minneapolis, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. Built by Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast, Ireland. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. PICTURE POSTCARDS. Similar ships: Adriatic and Baltic. HIGH SEAS MAIL.On all British steamers British Postage Stamps and rates are used when mailing letters lor European points, and such letters should be posted in the ship's letter box in the ordinary way. Lincoln, NE 68502 Chess. In November 1881, Celtic again rescued a shipwrecked crew, this time of the Brigantine Alice.[2]. In fact, the '02 S.S. CELTIC passenger list is six pages. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges. In early 1879, Celtic's propeller became detached from the driveshaft while at sea, and the ship made its way to Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland by sail.[2]. The Hours for Consultation are as follows :10 0 am6 0 p.m8:30 pmbut the Surgeon is available at all times in case of urgency. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The Barber is authorized to make the following charges :, His hours are 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, but for the general convenience of the greater number, passengers are requested not to apply for hair-cutting or shampooing except between the hours of noon and 5:30 pm. It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger's arrival in the United States. Those passengers who have been passed by the Immigration Authorities and desire to remain on board may have all their baggage passed by the U.S. Customs that night or the following morning, at their own option. You are using an out of date browser. There were no deaths on board Celtic. Original and GUARENTEED.WHITE STAR LINE FIRST CLASS PASSENGER LIST S.S. CELTIC From New York to Liverpool July 31st, 1909 Commander A.E.S. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island. Note.Will passengors who have not paid the Head Tax in consequence of their being in transit to Canada kindly complete Form 514 (which must be obtained from the Immigration Officials at New York) and forward same to the White Star Line, 1, Broadway, New York, as soon as possible after their departure from the United States. 2023 American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. Deck Quoits, Shuffieboard, Bull Board and othor games are provided on deck under the charge of a Quartermaster. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 19, 1902. 100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925. Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 11:00 am. Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894. The Bar opens at 8:00 am, and closes at 11:30 pm, Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm. can you drive to dobbins lookout; weather port st lucie, fl 34952; 2012 olympic mascot toys Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1885 Abyssinia 1885 Liverpool and Queenstown Ireland to New York Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1887 SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam to New York, 27 May 1887 (485 passengers) Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1888 SS COLUMBIA MAY 28 1888 Palermo TO NEW ORLEANS SS SIDONIAN FEBRUARY 09 1888 Palermo TO NEW ORLEANS From 1948, air travel passengers filled in their own cards. I, Benjn Glendell Master of the RMS Celtic do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect List of all the Passengers taken on board the said Steamer Celtic at Liverpool and Outbuilding tours April through October only. The "CELTIC" carries an Orchestra of skilled musicians which will play daily as follows in the First Class Companionway;, 11:00 am to 12 Noon4:30 pm to 5:30 pmAfter Dinner. OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE 5.30 pmJANUARY TO MARCH , INCLUSIVE 6:00 pmAPRIL TO JUNE . It is for passengers themselves to see all their Baggage is passed by the U.S. Customs Authorities on landing. Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. SS Celtic Passenger List 30 May 1925 Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Celtic First Class Passenger List - 30 May 1925. ss celtic passenger list religious interview questions and answers sharleen spiteri ashley heath . MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, the surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illnes8 not originating on the voyage. Orders may bo sent from America or Canada through the White Star Offices or direct from the steamer by the aid of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1804, and of Section 4281 of the revised Statutos of the United States, accopt any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1820-1897, M237 Rolls 581 through 675 cover the years 1892 through 1897, Record Group 36, Records of the U.S. Customs Service NAID-- 6256867 For the years 1820-1891 see New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891. New York, in the case of sickness developed on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances. In my collection is a S.S. CELTIC passenger list from a voyage on Seept. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight. The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. Passenger Arrival Records The National Archives has passenger arrival records, sometimes called "ship passenger lists," for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and December 1982 (with gaps). In 1898, the year that Thingvalla was absorbed into the Scandinavian America Line, the Amerika was scrapped. The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival. TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. Passenger arrival records can be a treasure trove of family history. SMOKING. 1892-1924 Passenger List Search - The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. 1897-1902 New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902, index 1902-1956 New York, Northern Arrival Manifests, 1902-1956 Browse images only. Each has accommodations for nearly 3,000 passengers, besides quarters for a crew of 350. Lounge and Drawing Room at 11:30 pm. Note: First steamship to exceed 20,000 tons. The lists gives the names of both the feeder ships to Britain and the transatlantic steamer, and it also gives additional information about the fee. SS Cella SS Celtic Ship Cerro Gordo Ship Chancellor Ship Chaos Ship Charlemagne Ship Charles Carroll Bark Charles S Olden Brig Charlotte Ship Charter Oak . Arrangements have been made whereby passengers by the White Star Line can hiro automobiles to meet them on arrival of the steamer at Liverpool or Southampton for tours in the British Isles or on the Continent. They are therefore recommended to use steamer trunks in preference. Separate lists were kept for British (and Commonwealth) passengers and Alien passengers. DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application at the Enquiry Office, at a charge of 6/6 (or $1.50) each for the voyage. Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. 19, 1902. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Immigrant Records at the National Archives, list of all the digitized records available on our partners' websites, USCIS Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA). If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please. PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES may be left at the Enquiry Office in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded. These records tell us how people moved into and out of Australia. Lake Champlain 1900, Beaver Line / Canadian Pacific. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World Ships & Disasters Outgoing passenger lists (1890-1960) Search and download ( charges apply) lists of passengers boarding at UK and Irish ports and travelling to places such as America, Canada, India, New. However, many of the pre-1890 lists were irregularly destroyed by the Board of Trade in 1900. Passenger Lists By Ship - American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Passenger Lists By Ship Search German Russian passenger lists by ship (alphabetized by ship name) below. Norwegian Emigrants 1825-1875 Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Original and GUARENTEEDWHITE STAR LINE FIRST CLASS PASSENGER LIST S.S. CELTIC From New York to Liverpool July 31st, 1909 Commander A.E.S. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward. Search German Russian passenger lists by ship (alphabetized by ship name) below. We also offer an online Titanic Memorabilia collection. Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board. The material covers the Christiania passenger lists for the years 1883 - 1923. SS Celtic Passenger List 24 April 1926 Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Celtic First Class Passenger List - 24 April 1926. If it is to NY, I'll try one other site, but I cant find that voyage on ellisisland. [2] Twelve single-ended boilers fed steam at 70psi (480kPa) to a four-cylinder tandem steam engine, rated at 600 NHP. Passenger List with me (I do give credit where credit is due) please send me an Please Help The Lakota People . Extraordinarily rare Third Class Passenger's Contract Ticket for a voyage on the SS Persic of the White Star Line from Sydney to Melbourne, Australia. VALUABLES. EXCHANGE OF MONEY. Quadruple expansion engines. Will be brought on board before the Passengers land. The extent of original materials at the GG Archives can be very beneficial when researching your family's migration from Europe. All White Star Line Passenger Lists available at the Gjenvick-Gjnvik Archives have been transcribed and uploaded. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same except to a very limited amount. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration BOOTS AND SHOES. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World. PICTURE POSTCARDS. I have tons of WSL passenger lists from that era and I've only found 1 or 2 from the Titanic's voyage. Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. The mail bag is closed a lew hours previous to arrival. Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can bo obtained on application to the Lounge Steward. MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE U.S. IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES TO REMAIN ON BOARD OVERNIGHT, AND TO HAVE THEIR PASSPORTS EXAMINED THE FOLLOWING MORNING ., OCTOBER TO DECEMBER. 1920-04-24 SS Adriatic Passenger List Class of Passengers: First and Second Class Date of Departure: 24 April 1920 Route: New York to Cherbourg and Southampton Commander: Captain J. Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. Dimensions: 680' x 75' (697' o.l.). IN THE EVENT OF THE STEAMER ARRIVING AFTER THE HOURS MENTIONED HEREUNDER PASSENGERS. Lehigh Valley. 1930-08-06 RMS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 1930-08-06 RMS Homeric Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. ABCDEFGHI J KLMNOP Q RSTUVWYZ, 631 D St Unless this regulation is complied with the Tax cannot be recovered. Twin-Screw RMS Celtic (1901) 21,026 Tons of the White Star Line. Baltimore and Ohio. Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 11:00 am. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration.
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